Don't you just love the phrase "I want to do it!"? Sometimes that phrase can be wonderful to hear, especially when kids are learning something new and they're so excited about it. Other times... Not so much. Like when your child wants to help cook dinner, but you're short on time to get it ready and you know you can do it faster and more efficiently but your child more
It's that time again. Time to sharpen those pencils, strap on the new backpacks, and tie those shoelaces. It time to go back to school. This new change can be stressful for both kids and parents. Here are a few tips to stay cool and have back to school be easier for both parents and kids.
Children sometimes believe that they are the rulers of the world. Especially those tiny toddlers. They are at the stage where they think they are in control of not only themselves but of everyone around them. And as adults, we at times will give in to their “demands” and end up being the one controlled in a situation. If you are having a difficult time with your children, below more