Everyone knows how important reading is. Sometimes we struggle to find ways to make it appealing to our children. Here are five tips to make it more fun.
As a kindergarten teacher, parents often ask me, "What is the one thing that will really help my child?" My answer always is - " Read!" Read with them, to them, and have them read to you! Reading is a lifelong skill that will not only aid them through their education but will also provide them with a sense of adventure, imagination, and the ability to explore and learn about...read more
At Bravo, we start teaching sign language to babies when they begin feeding themselves food (like crackers or yogurt). This is typically around 6 months. You may notice that your child may not sign back to you until she is a little older (8-9 months). But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start now! Children learn by demonstration and repetitiveness so the more your child’s family and caregivers sign...read more
“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” So how are we supposed to help our children get to bed on time and get a good quality of sleep in the 7-9 hours they have in bed? Some ways to help, you may already be familiar with and trying to implement, while others you may not have heard of. Here are 3 ways I found...read more
Cooking with kids sounds scary but it could be so much fun. Yes, it will be messy and might not come out right but the effort is so worth it. It gives you a chance to bond with them and teach them life skills. Some tips I have learned while working with kids is:
The unknown. The thing that gives most humans a feeling of anxiety. The unknown also sends children into the same unstable and fearful feelings that adults experience. For adults, the unknown can be big events such as changing jobs, moving, or doing something you’ve never done before. For children, the unknown can be more simple, such as where are we going, are you coming back, and why is something happening. Children handle...read more
When kids come after school their first action will most likely be to turn on a screen. This screen could be on a mobile device, television etc. Even though there are some activities that could benefit them when using the screen, there are plenty of other beneficial ways to learn away from the screen. Here are 4 things you can do with your children after school.
Your child has been playing all morning they begin to get cranky. They need a nap, you think to yourself, but they won’t fall asleep. Even if a child just sits and looks at a book quietly or colors. Any activity that requires them to sit quietly and rest is a healthy way to recharge for you and the child. Children who are well rested will learn better and retain...read more
As girls and boys grow older, they tend to judge and be harder on themselves. They look around and see others as cute and cool, but when they turn to the mirror they see disappointment and things they want to change. This can lead to low self-esteem and depression, especially through the teenage years. Many parents and mentors see this in their children and want them to see just how...read more