It’s Friday and you’ve had quite the week at work. It’s the end of the day and all you want to do is to pick up your child from daycare and go home. In the back of your mind, you’ve been thinking about asking your child’s teacher how they have been doing in class. But because of all, that’s been going on at work you forget to really ask what you are directly wanting to know. When you get to the daycare you’re in a hurry, you go in your child’s classroom and the teacher Greets you, your child is happy to see you and you begin to gather all their belongings. As talk begins with the teacher the next thing you know you are heading out the door with a “Have a good weekend” and wondering if you really understood how your child did that day. You asked the question but aren’t sure you really got a clear answer.
To make things a little more clear, a parent could ask questions in a different way. For example, you could ask:
1. How is my child doing at nap time?
2. How is my child doing at circle time?
3. How is my child doing at meal time?
4. How is my child doing with the other children in class?
These are good questions that the teacher can answer without guessing what to say to you and clearly understand your what you are looking for each day. The teacher is more than willing to talk to you and help you in any way they can. The teacher wants you to feel good about leaving your child at daycare. All teachers have had a lot of training in teaching and love being with the children. Parents worry about how their child is doing at daycare, that’s to be expected. And as a teacher we want the best for all the children in our care. We love to build a good relationship with the parents , as will as the children. So next time you want to know how your child is doing, it will just take a few minutes of your time to ask the teacher or teachers how your child is doing in what area you have a concern about. It’s rewarding when a child has learned how to do something and the teacher really wants to share that with the parents!
Ruth Harrah (Bravo Employee)